Wouldn't it help your branding efforts significantly
to have a banner in the relevant category of el directorio mexicano?

Directorio mexicano de México / Mexico

        As we mention in our pricelist, we charge $9 U.S. dollars per month to have your banner in our most relevant category (and we already have nearly a hundred monthly subscribing sponsors in Mexico).  We guarantee at least 1 thousand banner impressions before your banner is eventually removed or a renewal is due, too.  We'll place your banner in the section located above all of your competitors, as well as above your own Mexico-related link within the same category (simultaneously).  We can  also design a basic banner for you for free in exchange for a pre-payment of $9 via a monthly subscription (that you can cancel at any time).  We do recommend, though, that you host your own banner so that through our sourcing code system you can not only modify your banner whenever you like but also measure the quantity of impressions each day that our directories generate for it.    

        From this page we can accept a payment through Visa, American Express, Master Card, & Discover.   Our transactions are securely processed by PayPal (owned by E-Bay in California).   After you pay us, a receipt will reach you by e-mail and the charge will appear on your credit card statement.   We can also send you a billing receipt, as we aim to please.  Additionally, we can receive bank deposits too, although it's ideal (but not obligatorily so) if they're from U.S. or Canadian banks.  We can accept bank deposits in Mexico, as well but PayPal is the most convenient.   To initiate a dialogue regarding what we can do to help your company's notoriety and profitability with the Mexican market, please contact us at:  PagosMarzo06 @ directorio. com. mx (with the anti-spam spaces omitted).  Or feel free to make a purchase below and we will eagerly take care of you as soon as PayPal notifies us.  

To pay us $9 u.s. dollars by PayPal, using either your own
PayPal funds or a credit card, we offer various options:

To pay us $9 only once:

Wouldn't the following options
better suit your needs, though?

To make recurring $9 monthly subscription payments,
automatically deducted month after month from your PayPal
account, thereby increasing the likelihood of preserving your
banner's comparatively favored priority position (unless and
until you cancel your subscription which you may do at any time):

For a monthly subscription to sponsor more than one
of our bilingual categories on a recurring, month after month basis:

$18 for a total of
2 different bilingual categories:

$27 for a total of
3 different bilingual categories:

$36 for a total of
4 different bilingual categories:

$45 for a total of
5 different bilingual categories:

$54 for a total of
6 different bilingual categories:

$63 for a total of
7 different bilingual categories:

Official PayPal Seal

To be able to accept credit card payments from your own clients,
quickly and online (without having to pay sign-up fees or commissions
in excess of 3%) please click here:

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.




directorio de los bancos en México
directorio de servicios de tarjetas de crédito en México

To be able to accept credit cards online,
without having to pay subscription fees
or more than 3% in transaction fees, feel free to click here:

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.


To return to our directory of Mexico:

Directorio mexicano de México / Mexico

Other amounts, at customer request /

Otras cantidades, mediante solicitudes particulares:

(monthly subscription for 18 categorías)


Are any other quantities desired?